Sushant Singh Rajput commited suicide at his home in Mumbai. The actor was 34. He debuted in Bollywood with Kai Po Che! and was last seen in Chhichhore. Sushant Singh Rajput was found hanging at his Bandra home in Mumbai earlier this morning. Some of his friends were also at home when his body was discovered. His body was found hanging from the ceiling fan. Initial reports from the police say that he was suffering from depression for the past six months. His friends also told Aaj Tak that the reason behind this extreme step is depression. A suicide note has not been recovered yet. Sushant Singh Rajput had hosted a close group of friends at his home on Saturday night, according to sources. This, however, has not been confirmed by any of his friends. Around 10 am this morning, he went back to his room, after which, he was not seen. The house staff and his friend tried to open the door but in vain. The house staff called a local keymaker. With the help of the duplicate key, they open...
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