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At the beginning of the film "Avengers: Endgame," our superheroes face a problem. Their enemy, Thanos, has wiped out half the universe and destroyed the Infinity Stones that enabled him to wreak havoc at such multitude.
Without these powerful infinity stones it was impossible to reverse the genocide.
It’s not a new idea, but in addition to its ethical issues, it wouldn’t work. In this article, you’ll see what could cure the globe of its population explosion.
Consider this. It took the earth’s population thousands of years—from the early dawn of man all the way to the early 1800s—to reach one billion people. Then astoundingly, it took only about a hundred years to double the population to two billion in the 1920s. After that, it took a mere 50 years for the population to double again to four billion in the 1970s. As you can imagine, we’re well on track to reach eight billion very soon. Just today, the human race added another quarter-billion people to planet Earth. A quarter-million. And this happens every day. Currently every year we’re adding the equivalent of the entire country of Germany.
You see, even if you wipe out half the Earth’s people, it wouldn’t take long for the population to grow back. If you think about it, every year of World War II, the world’s population grew. Hitler’s Holocaust, Stalin’s purges and Mao Zedong’s “Great Leap Forward,” the “Killing Fields” of Cambodia, and even “Hotel Rwanda” couldn’t slow population growth. (I apologize for taking these tyrants names with great pride)
Thanos inifinty stone gauntlet
Overpopulation is a real concern. Most articles about Thanos and his ideology insist that population growth isn’t a bad thing. That’s not correct. An increase in people, and a decrease in resources, is a recipe for disaster.
So what's the cause of the problem. Well To fight the problem, you have to understand it first.
Our story begins in traditional old conservative time when higher births were required to handle the farm, to prosper but at the same time the death rate was too high thus the equilibrium was maintained.
But as we enter into modern industrialization phase research and analysis has helped the mankind to invent medicines which increased the life expectancy rate. Sanitation and other facilities improved which helped in increasing the quality of life. But the conservative thought about birth remained entact, thus leading to sudden boom in demographics.
This is where Thanos would fail. It wouldn’t take long for global population growth to bounce back after his big population purge. It’s about a change in attitudes, not a change in the volume of people.
In order to move a country from the transition phase to the modern phase, you need a drop in birth rates. Conservatives are likely to crib about a loss of “traditional” values, but that doesn’t mean a country has to have lots of abortions.
One of the stronger indicators of development is increasing a country’s education bandwidth, especially for women. As women pursue college, and put off having kids until later, the population numbers begin to fall.
How do we know it works? It’s already happening now.
Look at Europe, North America and Northeast Asia. These First World countries with their developed economies are following the exact same blueprint. In fact, it’s worked so well that some of these nations are getting worried that their population growth has fallen too much.
Meanwhile in third world countries population are bursting.
Thus only thing humans need to do to reverse the population growth is to change the thinking and ideology towards birth.
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